quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

As variações de 'I Will Follow' ao vivo

Em 1997 e 1998, durante a Popmart Tour, Bono pela primeira vez modificou dois trechos da canção I Will Follow, de 1980. O primeiro na parte 'A boy tries hard to be a man/His lover takes him by his hand', onde logo depois disso, Bono inseriu uma nova frase: 'He stops to think he'll always wonder why'.
O outro trecho da canção modificado por Bono foi na parte 'I was on the inside/When you pulled the four walls down', onde ele inseriu logo após: 'You took the soul outta me/You put a hole in me/You should'a said, that's your lie'.

Na turnê Elevation de 2001, no show de Boston, novamente Bono modificou a letra da canção original: 'I was on the outside when you say/You say you needed me' é o trecho original, e logo depois Bono cantou 'I was caught at a stop light/I was blind and I could not see'.
Ele manteve o trecho modificado por ele na Popmart, que diz 'He stops to think he'll always wonder why'.
Mas o mais interessante nesta versão foi a improvisação de Bono antes do trecho 'Your eyes make a circle'. Veja o que Bono inseriu antes:
'Edge, ring those bells
Make those bells ring Edge
Ring those bells
It's only two strings
Boston lift me up on your shoulder
Let's get to a place we'd never get over
Boston lift me up on your shoulder
Let's get to a place we could never get over
Oh, Paradise
A club called Paradise
Twenty years ago
Ring those bells
Those bells never gonna get old
(When was the feeling long lost)
(What convey between the bell)
(I give up, I love ya)

No show promocional no Brooklyn em 2004, Bono voltou a alterar um trecho: 'I was on the inside/When the four walls they came down/As time broke as you down the street/Like a sign it lost and found'.

No show da turnê Vertigo em Milão, em 2006, mais uma improvisação de Bono, cantando: 'You looked under the rubble/I was lost, now I'm found'.

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